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Our Builders
Builder Sourcing’s 90+ builders collectively build over 6,500 homes per year, the equivalent of a multi-divisional Top Ten National Builder. Thus, dealing with Builder Sourcing is the equivalent of dealing with the national office of a national builder.
Builder Sourcing believes that greater value can be created with long-term strategic relationships between builders and their suppliers with complete information transparency. We seek national builder level rebate programs in exchange for category exclusivity and a long-term commitment. This results in our Supplier Members having a greater share of business with our Builder Members than with the market as a whole.
Category exclusivity also means that a supplier’s interests and those of Builder Sourcing are 100% aligned. When we introduce a builder to a supplier, there is zero risk that that supplier will not be the deal presented. Same is true when our suppliers introduce us to a builder to help close a deal. Because of this, Builder Sourcing is the only builder buying group that several of our Supplier Members will participate in.
The results have been so successful, the majority of our Supplier members have been with us since our inception in 2003.
Program Overview
The home building industry is quite fragmented with 10 really large builders and hundreds of small ones. This makes it very difficult to cover the market and grow share.
Builder Sourcing can help. Our Builder Members in aggregate are the equivalent in size to that of a Top Ten National Home Builder. Thus dealing with Builder Sourcing is the equivalent of dealing with the national office of a national builder.
Supplier members are sought and selected where they are typically the number one or two product in their category and they have provided a national builder pogram. This program is then made available to our Builder Members.
How the program works:
- Supplier provides a national builder rebate & incentive program and commits to work within distribution to ensure product availability and competitive upfront pricing
- Builder Sourcing communicates the supplier’s program to its Builder Members and works to gain adoption of their products
- Builder Sourcing provides information on products used by its Builder Members by market and builder – a true opportunity report
- Builder Sourcing consolidates all of the rebate requests to simplify the reporting and billing to the supplier who can then process a single check
- Builder Sourcing’s marketing channel can be used to introduce information on new products and services
The result? Most suppliers end up with greater market share in the group than in the market as a whole.
What makes us important to a supplier?
- Zero conflict – we only promote ONE supplier per category, creates greater market share and switching power
- We provide access to decision makers in small to medium-sized builders
- We provide market share gains and long-term retention of builder business
It is the exclusivity combined with the delivery of results (actual switching to their products) that have led several suppliers to select Builder Sourcing as their sole buying group that they work with because of their positive return on investment.
Our Suppliers
We have 21 suppliers in 27 categories. Join an elite group of brands.